Friday, 14 November 2014

The Walking Dead Season 3

Season 3

The third season begins several months after the group escaped the farm, and Lori is in the final days of her pregnancy. The group stumbles upon an overrun prison and sets about converting it into their new home. While securing the prison, a walker bites Hershel in the ankle and Rick is forced to amputate it to prevent further infection. They soon find several surviving inmates who have been trapped in the cafeteria. While Rick, Daryl and T-Dog help clear a separate cell block for the inmates to live in, most of the prisoners are killed. Rick's group helps the surviving prisoners — Axel and Oscar — clear a separate cellblock, but they eventually join Rick's group. A walker breakout later splits everyone up.
T-Dog is bitten in the struggle and sacrifices himself to save Carol, while Lori goes into labor and insists that Maggie perform an emergency Caesarean section to save the baby. The operation kills Lori, and Carl is forced to shoot her to prevent reanimation. After several days of mourning, Carl and Rick name the baby Judith.
Meanwhile, Michonne and Andrea are taken to the town of Woodbury, a heavily fortified haven. They meet The Governor, the town's leader, and learn that Merle Dixon — Daryl's older brother — has taken refuge there as well. Michonne is immediately suspicious of The Governor and the settlement and decides to leave, but Andrea refuses to go with her.
Download :
Season 03-Episode 01 : Download
Season 03-Episode 02 : Download
Season 03-Episode 03 : Download
Season 03-Episode 04 : Download
Season 03-Episode 05 : Download
Season 03-Episode 06 : Download
Season 03-Episode 07 : Download
Season 03-Episode 08 : Download
Season 03-Episode 09 : Download
Season 03-Episode 10 : Download
Season 03-Episode 11 : Download
Season 03-Episode 12 : Download
Season 03-Episode 13 : Download
Season 03-Episode 14 : Download
Season 03-Episode 15 : Download
Season 03-Episode 16 : Download


  1. banyak yang mati situs nya bos, tolong segera diperbaiki

    1. itu dari adfly nya lagi eror, ane buka adfly mau login gak kebuka2. sebelumnya mohon maaf entar ane perbaiki kalo udah masuk adfly

  2. Episode 3 google driveny eror gan.. mohon di reupload..

  3. Bisa kok gan, barusan ane cek
